
Musical Production Tools


Tempo to ms

Calculate how many mS are in each beat!

Select the time signature denominator:

x/8 (6/8, etc)      
x/4 (2/4, 3/4, 4/4 etc)

Enter the Tempo of the song:

MS to Ticks

Calculate how many MIDI Ticks approximate the desired mS

Adjust Tempo for Time Signature

This one is a little more complex; Calculate a new Tempo to make a X/4 bar match the timespan of a Y/4 bar.



© rharv 2014

Adjust Tempo for Time Stretching

This one is even more complex; Calculate a new Tempo to make Section A equal Section B in actual timespan.
All Fields Required.
Intended for calculations that use MIDI based markers to time stretch audio tracks.

/4 or /8

% tempo change